Facts About Pigs
Did you know??
There are so many things to learn about pigs and each one of us finds something new everyday and try to teach others what new things we have discovered. There are some myths and truths about pet pigs and we try to educate first and foremost as well as help other piggy parents troubleshoot their problems and come up with a plan to help them deal with whatever issue they may be having. These pictures were posted on our Facebook page November 14th and had an excellent response, people loved seeing the pictures and loved hearing facts about pigs, so we decided to include those pictures on the website as well as facts you may not know.
The truth about pigs blog can be read by clicking here.
Pot-bellied pigs are approximately 1/10 of the size of regular farm pigs, 1/3 of the size of miniature horses, usually shorter than a Labrador Retriever and should weigh less than a St. Bernard.
Potbelly pigs usually weigh around 8-20 ounces at birth. They will usually double in weight by the time they're one week old.
There is a national day to celebrate pigs and that is March 1st of every year. The purpose of this day? "To accord to the pig it's rightful, though generally unrecognized, place as one of man's most intellectual and useful domesticated animals."
There is a museum in Germany that is considered the worlds largest pig museum.
Pigs are opportunistic eaters. If they have access to it, they will eat it. If they can find it, they will eat it. If it crawls, wanders, or slithers into their pen, they will probably eat that, too. Not much is off limits as far as the pig palate is concerned.
Pigs have a very good memory and hold grudges, They learn and remember things quickly, like where you keep food.
In the US, if you walk down a city street, many people you will meet will have never seen a pig up close.
Trained pigs do have a history in the circus and show business, but no one really knows for sure if they were someone's pet pigs.
Pigs are highly regarded animals in Asia and the year of the pig comes every 12 years and is associated with prosperity and are celebrated during that year as not only for prosperity, but also because pigs are such good mothers.
All domesticated animals trace back to wild ancestors, for potbellied pigs, it is Sus scrofa vittatus.
Pigs are found on every continent except Antartica.
Pot-bellied pigs are approximately 1/10 of the size of regular farm pigs, 1/3 of the size of miniature horses, usually shorter than a Labrador Retriever and should weigh less than a St. Bernard.
Potbelly pigs usually weigh around 8-20 ounces at birth. They will usually double in weight by the time they're one week old.
There is a national day to celebrate pigs and that is March 1st of every year. The purpose of this day? "To accord to the pig it's rightful, though generally unrecognized, place as one of man's most intellectual and useful domesticated animals."
There is a museum in Germany that is considered the worlds largest pig museum.
Pigs are opportunistic eaters. If they have access to it, they will eat it. If they can find it, they will eat it. If it crawls, wanders, or slithers into their pen, they will probably eat that, too. Not much is off limits as far as the pig palate is concerned.
Pigs have a very good memory and hold grudges, They learn and remember things quickly, like where you keep food.
In the US, if you walk down a city street, many people you will meet will have never seen a pig up close.
Trained pigs do have a history in the circus and show business, but no one really knows for sure if they were someone's pet pigs.
Pigs are highly regarded animals in Asia and the year of the pig comes every 12 years and is associated with prosperity and are celebrated during that year as not only for prosperity, but also because pigs are such good mothers.
All domesticated animals trace back to wild ancestors, for potbellied pigs, it is Sus scrofa vittatus.
Pigs are found on every continent except Antartica.
Abraham Lincoln had pet pigs as did Ulysses S. Grant.
Several centuries ago, the wild boar became extinct in Britain as a result of hunting and habitat destruction, but they have since been reintroduced in England and are thriving in many parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.
There have even been some famous quotes about pigs.
Sir Winston Churchill said: “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
George Bernard Shaw said: “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”
“I never met a pig I didn't like. All pigs are intelligent, emotional, and sensitive souls. They all love company. They all crave contact and comfort. Pigs have a delightful sense of mischief; most of them seem to enjoy a good joke and appreciate music. And that is something you would certainly never suspect from your relationship with a pork chop.”
― Sy Montgomery, The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood
John Updike says: “Critics are like pigs at the pastry cart.”
Harry S. Truman made a couple of famous comments about pigs:
"Why this fellow don't know any more about politics than a pig knows about Sunday."
"No man should be allowed to be the President who does not understand hogs, or hasn’t been around a manure pile."
James Dean was quoted to have said: "Studying cows, pigs and chickens can help an actor develop his character. There are a lot of things I learned from animals. One was that they couldn't hiss or boo me."
Elayne Boosler stated: "Pigs are smart than dogs and both are smarter than congress"
Lyall Watson said: "I have had close relationships with three species of wild pigs, each a chance encounter on a different continent, and all continue to enrich my life in surprising ways."
In 2015, a superbowl commercial was made for Doritos using a pet pig. (The video won the contest that year!!) ~See below to watch the winning video.
Several centuries ago, the wild boar became extinct in Britain as a result of hunting and habitat destruction, but they have since been reintroduced in England and are thriving in many parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.
There have even been some famous quotes about pigs.
Sir Winston Churchill said: “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
George Bernard Shaw said: “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”
“I never met a pig I didn't like. All pigs are intelligent, emotional, and sensitive souls. They all love company. They all crave contact and comfort. Pigs have a delightful sense of mischief; most of them seem to enjoy a good joke and appreciate music. And that is something you would certainly never suspect from your relationship with a pork chop.”
― Sy Montgomery, The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood
John Updike says: “Critics are like pigs at the pastry cart.”
Harry S. Truman made a couple of famous comments about pigs:
"Why this fellow don't know any more about politics than a pig knows about Sunday."
"No man should be allowed to be the President who does not understand hogs, or hasn’t been around a manure pile."
James Dean was quoted to have said: "Studying cows, pigs and chickens can help an actor develop his character. There are a lot of things I learned from animals. One was that they couldn't hiss or boo me."
Elayne Boosler stated: "Pigs are smart than dogs and both are smarter than congress"
Lyall Watson said: "I have had close relationships with three species of wild pigs, each a chance encounter on a different continent, and all continue to enrich my life in surprising ways."
In 2015, a superbowl commercial was made for Doritos using a pet pig. (The video won the contest that year!!) ~See below to watch the winning video.
A piglet can respond to a name in two week’s time. Although I have found that a pig responds to its name much quicker than that. Their mother uses different tones for each pig to call to them according to research studies.
Pigs have an excellent sense of smell with which they can detect food that is buried underground, at a depth of 5 feet.
Pigs are a part of popular culture and have inspired a lot of idioms, many of which are based on one-sided observations.
The idiom ‘to sweat like a pig’ is one such idion. Pigs do have a few sweat glands, but they are not effective at regulating the body temperature like the sweat glands of people, instead they roll in mud or water to cool their bodies. The evaporation of water from their body helps to cool them down. Pigs actually prefer water to mud. In fact, pigs are excellent swimmers, despite their body shape. Pigs are much more tolerant of cold than heat for this reason. BUT, they can suffer from hypothermia or frostbite in the harsh cold conditions.
Soldier pigs have gone to war. On battlefields, they have used their sensitive snouts as mine sniffers.
A pig’s squeal can range from 110 decibels up to 115 decibels. For comparison, a jet taking of reaches 112 decibels. You can experience this for yourself if you pick up a pig that doesn't want to be held.
In the wild, boars have natural predators but most predators think twice about attacking a fully-grown boar. Boars have been known to gore even tigers to death, in self–defense.
Even though pigs have four toes on each hoof, they walk on only two of the toes. This makes them look as if they are tiptoeing. (With the exception of the mule foot which doesn't have a split hoof).
There are around 2 billion pigs in the world.
Potbelly pig and mini pig have been adopted as acceptable terms to describe pigs smaller than the standard farm pig. These terms are often used interchangeably and are often the source of great debates. Mini is not a breed of pig, only a classification to distinguish between the larger farm pigs and the breeds typically seen as companion pets.
A pigs lungs are not in proportion with its body. Pigs have relatively small lungs. This can be problematic if they develop any kind of respiratory issue.
There have been several "famous" pigs Babe, Porky pig, Wilbur, Miss Piggy and Link Hogthrob of the muppets. Perhaps the greatest pig of them all was Arnold Ziffel of “Green Acres.” Arnold could write his name, change channels on a television set, play the piano, drink with a straw, deliver letters and newspapers, and predict weather with his curly tail. He attended school, and carried his lunch box in his mouth. (See picture below).
Pigs have an excellent sense of smell with which they can detect food that is buried underground, at a depth of 5 feet.
Pigs are a part of popular culture and have inspired a lot of idioms, many of which are based on one-sided observations.
The idiom ‘to sweat like a pig’ is one such idion. Pigs do have a few sweat glands, but they are not effective at regulating the body temperature like the sweat glands of people, instead they roll in mud or water to cool their bodies. The evaporation of water from their body helps to cool them down. Pigs actually prefer water to mud. In fact, pigs are excellent swimmers, despite their body shape. Pigs are much more tolerant of cold than heat for this reason. BUT, they can suffer from hypothermia or frostbite in the harsh cold conditions.
Soldier pigs have gone to war. On battlefields, they have used their sensitive snouts as mine sniffers.
A pig’s squeal can range from 110 decibels up to 115 decibels. For comparison, a jet taking of reaches 112 decibels. You can experience this for yourself if you pick up a pig that doesn't want to be held.
In the wild, boars have natural predators but most predators think twice about attacking a fully-grown boar. Boars have been known to gore even tigers to death, in self–defense.
Even though pigs have four toes on each hoof, they walk on only two of the toes. This makes them look as if they are tiptoeing. (With the exception of the mule foot which doesn't have a split hoof).
There are around 2 billion pigs in the world.
Potbelly pig and mini pig have been adopted as acceptable terms to describe pigs smaller than the standard farm pig. These terms are often used interchangeably and are often the source of great debates. Mini is not a breed of pig, only a classification to distinguish between the larger farm pigs and the breeds typically seen as companion pets.
A pigs lungs are not in proportion with its body. Pigs have relatively small lungs. This can be problematic if they develop any kind of respiratory issue.
There have been several "famous" pigs Babe, Porky pig, Wilbur, Miss Piggy and Link Hogthrob of the muppets. Perhaps the greatest pig of them all was Arnold Ziffel of “Green Acres.” Arnold could write his name, change channels on a television set, play the piano, drink with a straw, deliver letters and newspapers, and predict weather with his curly tail. He attended school, and carried his lunch box in his mouth. (See picture below).
Baby pigs appear very greedy when they are competing for food from their mothers. For this reason the words “pig” and “hog” have become associated with greedy behavior.
China has the world's largest population of domestic pigs.
In Denmark there are twice as many pigs as people.
The largest pig on record was a Poland-China hog named Big Bill, who weighed 2,552 lbs [1157.4 kg] owned by Burford Butler of Jackson, Tennessee, USA in the year 1933. Big Bill was 5 foot tall and 9 feet long.
Places named after pigs
* Boarhills, Scotland
* Hog Island, Florida
* Hog Island, Grenada
* Hog Island, Guyana
* Hog Island, Michigan
* Hog Island, Virginia
* Hog Point, Virginia
* Hog Head, Ireland
* Pig Point, Virginia
* Bay of Pigs , Cuba
* Sow River, England
The Bahamas has an island where you can meet swimming pigs, Big Major Cay Island, an uninhabited island, often referred to as "Pig Island" has become a popular tourist attraction where the pigs will swim out to passing boats and people can swim with the pigs. They’ve come to associate humans with food and are rumored to be quite friendly. Upon spotting an incoming boat, the pigs leap into the water and paddle over, hoping for a snack. We made a post early on to the Facebook page and several of our followers shared their pictures from this island with us.
Afghanistan is particularly averse to pigs, and it’s claimed that there’s only one pig in the entire country.
One of the many wild plants that grows in Bhutan (A Himalayan nation) is cannabis, whose psychedelic properties went unrecognized for quite some time. Instead, they used the stuff for pig feed. The marijuana both nourished the pigs and increased their voracious appetite, causing them to grow incredibly fast. In 1999, Bhutan became the last country in the world to receive television—and with it, the knowledge that you can smoke the that stuff that has been given as pig feed. The marijuana soon found its way out of the mouth of pigs and into hash pipes.
Ben and Jerry’s send the waste from it’s making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed. The pigs love the stuff, all except for one flavor: Mint Oreo. They won’t tough it.
Pig’s penises are shaped like a corkscrew, and can rotate 360 degrees. (Click here for anatomy pictures)
Pigs used to be kept on board ships because it was believed if that if they were shipwrecked the pigs would always swim toward the nearest shore.
China has the world's largest population of domestic pigs.
In Denmark there are twice as many pigs as people.
The largest pig on record was a Poland-China hog named Big Bill, who weighed 2,552 lbs [1157.4 kg] owned by Burford Butler of Jackson, Tennessee, USA in the year 1933. Big Bill was 5 foot tall and 9 feet long.
Places named after pigs
* Boarhills, Scotland
* Hog Island, Florida
* Hog Island, Grenada
* Hog Island, Guyana
* Hog Island, Michigan
* Hog Island, Virginia
* Hog Point, Virginia
* Hog Head, Ireland
* Pig Point, Virginia
* Bay of Pigs , Cuba
* Sow River, England
The Bahamas has an island where you can meet swimming pigs, Big Major Cay Island, an uninhabited island, often referred to as "Pig Island" has become a popular tourist attraction where the pigs will swim out to passing boats and people can swim with the pigs. They’ve come to associate humans with food and are rumored to be quite friendly. Upon spotting an incoming boat, the pigs leap into the water and paddle over, hoping for a snack. We made a post early on to the Facebook page and several of our followers shared their pictures from this island with us.
Afghanistan is particularly averse to pigs, and it’s claimed that there’s only one pig in the entire country.
One of the many wild plants that grows in Bhutan (A Himalayan nation) is cannabis, whose psychedelic properties went unrecognized for quite some time. Instead, they used the stuff for pig feed. The marijuana both nourished the pigs and increased their voracious appetite, causing them to grow incredibly fast. In 1999, Bhutan became the last country in the world to receive television—and with it, the knowledge that you can smoke the that stuff that has been given as pig feed. The marijuana soon found its way out of the mouth of pigs and into hash pipes.
Ben and Jerry’s send the waste from it’s making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed. The pigs love the stuff, all except for one flavor: Mint Oreo. They won’t tough it.
Pig’s penises are shaped like a corkscrew, and can rotate 360 degrees. (Click here for anatomy pictures)
Pigs used to be kept on board ships because it was believed if that if they were shipwrecked the pigs would always swim toward the nearest shore.
Scientists have developed video games pigs are able to master (And given food when they reach certain levels, of course)
Pigs are very inquisitive creatures, and like human babies they investigate with their mouths, anything unusual.
Pigs, who are sometimes referred to as swine or hogs are part of the order Artiodactyla, or even-toed ungulates. They share this order with cattle, sheep, goats, camels, deer, giraffes and hippopotamuses.
Clint Eastwood has a pet pig named Penelope and advocates his daughters animal rescue, Eastwood Animal Rescue in Southern California!!
Speaking of celebrities that have pet pigs that aren't well known, Mick Fleetwood from the band Fleetwood Mac also has a pet pig and shares a vet with one of our piggy friends on the island of Maui...David Bowie was said to have been a pig lover too.
Pigs are very inquisitive creatures, and like human babies they investigate with their mouths, anything unusual.
Pigs, who are sometimes referred to as swine or hogs are part of the order Artiodactyla, or even-toed ungulates. They share this order with cattle, sheep, goats, camels, deer, giraffes and hippopotamuses.
Clint Eastwood has a pet pig named Penelope and advocates his daughters animal rescue, Eastwood Animal Rescue in Southern California!!
Speaking of celebrities that have pet pigs that aren't well known, Mick Fleetwood from the band Fleetwood Mac also has a pet pig and shares a vet with one of our piggy friends on the island of Maui...David Bowie was said to have been a pig lover too.
The pig is associated with fertility and virility in Chinese culture.
Pigs are very social animals. They form close bonds with each other and other species. Pigs enjoy close contact and will lie close together when resting. Pigs use their grunts to communicate with each other.
The hair on a pigs skin are called bristles.
Pigs appear to have a good sense of direction. Some have found their way home from long distances away.
A fully grown pig can drink up to fourteen gallons of water a day.
Pigs dream just as much as humans do.
Male pigs get impregnate their mothers while they're under 4 months old and need to be separated from the opposite sex pigs, until neutered, as they mature sexually very early on. Girl pigs should be spayed to eliminate risks of reproductive organ tumors that pigs are super prone to getting, not to mention pig PMS. Neither sex make great pets when they're intact.
Our blog about pig myths (along with some true statements) can be found by clicking here.
No animal is said to be smarter, yet pigs will stay out in the sun so long that they’ll repeatedly end up with second-degree sunburns.
The fastest member of the pig family is the warthog, which can reach speeds of 35 MPH.
Glasses might not be such a bad idea. Potbellied pigs have dismal eyesight. Still, you probably will not be able to sneak up on them, though, as their sense of hearing and smell are exceptional. All the better to hear you opening the fridge door and guess what delicious treats you have in there, we suppose.
Potbellied pigs love soil. This is not only for the pig's enjoyment but to fulfill its natural instinct. Soil and grass also have important nutrients the pig requires. So even if you do not like rolling in the mud, let the piggy have his fun.
No hugging. Unfortunately, pigs do not like to held or cuddled. Because they are such large creatures as infants, potbellied pigs are not “handled” or carried in their mother's mouths like other domesticated animals. Therefore, any attempt at lifting or hugging is frequently interpreted by the pig as a hostile action. Potbellied pigs do like “snouting” with their human owners, though. (This isn't necessarily true for all pet pigs, some love cuddle time, but for those whose pigs don't, this is likely the reason why)
"A pig in the poke" comes from a common trick in 17th-century England of trying to give away a cat to an unsuspecting "shopper" for a suckling pig (a young pig). When the buyer opened the poke (sack), he "let the cat out of the bag," and the trick was revealed.
There is an animal called a sea pig, but it is of no relation to the pigs we know. It is a part of the sea cucumber family and closely related to a starfish.
Pigs are very social animals. They form close bonds with each other and other species. Pigs enjoy close contact and will lie close together when resting. Pigs use their grunts to communicate with each other.
The hair on a pigs skin are called bristles.
Pigs appear to have a good sense of direction. Some have found their way home from long distances away.
A fully grown pig can drink up to fourteen gallons of water a day.
Pigs dream just as much as humans do.
Male pigs get impregnate their mothers while they're under 4 months old and need to be separated from the opposite sex pigs, until neutered, as they mature sexually very early on. Girl pigs should be spayed to eliminate risks of reproductive organ tumors that pigs are super prone to getting, not to mention pig PMS. Neither sex make great pets when they're intact.
Our blog about pig myths (along with some true statements) can be found by clicking here.
No animal is said to be smarter, yet pigs will stay out in the sun so long that they’ll repeatedly end up with second-degree sunburns.
The fastest member of the pig family is the warthog, which can reach speeds of 35 MPH.
Glasses might not be such a bad idea. Potbellied pigs have dismal eyesight. Still, you probably will not be able to sneak up on them, though, as their sense of hearing and smell are exceptional. All the better to hear you opening the fridge door and guess what delicious treats you have in there, we suppose.
Potbellied pigs love soil. This is not only for the pig's enjoyment but to fulfill its natural instinct. Soil and grass also have important nutrients the pig requires. So even if you do not like rolling in the mud, let the piggy have his fun.
No hugging. Unfortunately, pigs do not like to held or cuddled. Because they are such large creatures as infants, potbellied pigs are not “handled” or carried in their mother's mouths like other domesticated animals. Therefore, any attempt at lifting or hugging is frequently interpreted by the pig as a hostile action. Potbellied pigs do like “snouting” with their human owners, though. (This isn't necessarily true for all pet pigs, some love cuddle time, but for those whose pigs don't, this is likely the reason why)
"A pig in the poke" comes from a common trick in 17th-century England of trying to give away a cat to an unsuspecting "shopper" for a suckling pig (a young pig). When the buyer opened the poke (sack), he "let the cat out of the bag," and the trick was revealed.
There is an animal called a sea pig, but it is of no relation to the pigs we know. It is a part of the sea cucumber family and closely related to a starfish.
Unlike domestic pigs, warthog piglets don't own and defend a particular teat. They're so into sharing that females will suckle one another's kids.
Information collected and written by Brittany Sawyer
Potbellied pet pigs: mini pig care and training book
Potbellied pet pigs: mini pig care and training book