The response was exaggerated for effect, but because we laughed and thought it was funny, this kind of behavior became much worse. It's easy to control a 20lb pig, but it is not so easy to control a 120lb pig. Remember to intervene early on when you see any signs of aggression, this doesn't get better on its own, you have to empower yourself with a behavioral modification plan and work on it with your pig until appropriate manners are taught and they learn this type of behavior is not tolerated. In our case, Buttercup was extremely protective. At that time, she slept in the bed with me and not only was I under her in the herd she established, but so was everyone else.
Once the family became fully involved and participated with corrective actions, this type of behavior no longer occurred. You have to stick with it, no matter how funny or cute you think it is, trust me when I say, it won't be cute or funny for long.
I am going to write an introduction post because I never did when I started this page. This page was started because I was sick of seeing people purchase or obtain pigs who were clueless. Period. No knowledge of how to care for a pig, unable to have one where they live, no vet to take care of one....extremely frustrating. I started a FB group more than 2 years ago and at first it was relatively small, about 300-400 people who to this day remain pretty close. We love potbelly pigs. I love it, I can post as many pictures as I want of my sweet Buttercup and I don't have to hear, "looks like she's ready to be bacon, or look, it's dinner" or similar crude remarks. It's full of caring kind-hearted pig people who genuinely seem to care about one another. I've had the opportunity to meet some in person, others I've spoken to on the phone, some for hours at a time and some are great FB friends. It's nice to be able to message someone and you know they will read your message and get back to you because you've been kind enough to do the same for them. |
AuthorsBrittany Sawyer Archives
July 2019